Thursday, May 23, 2024

AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois proudly hosted its 50th Annual Meeting & Luncheon on Thursday, April 25, at The Carlisle in Lombard. The event was a celebration of our history and a look forward to the future of aging in Illinois. The event featured both of our two former Executive Directors, Lucia West-Jones and Charles Johnson.

Lucia West-Jones, our most recent past Executive Director, spearheaded many successful initiatives, such as healthy aging programs, innovative nutrition services, and collaborations with healthcare entities. Known for her collaborative spirit, Ms. Jones worked closely with other Area Agencies on Aging, healthcare providers, and community partners. At the event, she shared insights from her extensive experience and even demonstrated her signature celebratory dance move!

Charles Johnson, the first Executive Director of the Northeastern Illinois Area Agency on Aging, served an impressive 29 years starting in 1974. With a dedicated staff, including Ms. Jones, he established the aging network we rely on today. Under his visionary leadership, the agency overcame federal funding challenges and achieved significant growth and innovation. Mr. Johnson recounted stories of AgeGuide’s early days, highlighting the importance of relationships and social connections in aging.

The event also honored Jack Kreger, previous board chair and current Board Member, as the first recipient of the Robert J. O’Connor Award.

Our 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting was a meaningful occasion to reflect on our past and renew our commitment to the future. We are proud of our half-century of service and advocacy for older adults in Northeastern Illinois and look forward to the next 50 years.


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