
Defending the need for supports and services for older adults and their caregivers takes many voices across our communities and should be reflective of all those who provide services as well as those individuals who receive services. At AgeGuide, we use our role as advocates to promote and elevate policies and programs that support older adults and their caregivers and effectively address the needs of an aging America.

AgeGuide’s 2025 Policy Priorities address the growing disinvestment in aging services as demand for these programs continue to increase.

Your efforts will help us ensure that our message of advocacy for older adults is heard at the local, state and federal levels. There are many ways to be an advocate for issues affecting older adults and their caregivers including the following:

  • Visit the website for The National Council on Aging. The link below will take you to great tips and resources to help you advocate effectively.
  • Visit our website often to keep up to date on the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A) and/or Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging (I4A) advocacy alerts, issues and information that affect the quality of life for older adults and their caregivers.
  • Sign up to receive AgeGuide’s monthly e-newsletter, The Aging Report, which includes legislative information, issues and updates that may impact you or someone you love.
  • Contact your local representatives and voice your support for policies and programs that impact older adults and their quality of life.

Local Aging Issues


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