Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Summer is officially here, school is out, and there is no better time to advocate for older adults than now! AgeGuide is taking advantage of the beautiful weather to get our Federal and state legislators out to see aging services in action.

Kendall County Progressive Legislative Visit

Remember progressive dinner parties where a group of friends travel to different houses for courses of a meal? How about a progressive legislative visit? Thanks to our partner, Senior Services Associates, Inc. in Kendall County, legislative staffers had the opportunity to connect with older adults, share their priorities, have some cookies and lemonade, and call Bingo.

Next on the itinerary, everyone traveled a few blocks to the Grand Opening of the Senior Dine Program at Dakota’s Restaurant in Kendall County. There was a ribbon cutting, lunch from the menu, and an opportunity to network. The progressive concept worked well to introduce legislators to a variety of providers, supports, and program participants.

Staffers from Representative Harry Benton, State Senator Linda Holmes, and Senator Tammy Duckworth arrived ready to participate and learn more about how programs impact the lives of older adults in the communities we serve. Director Paula Basta from the Illinois Department on Aging also attended and proved to be an expert Bingo caller.

Upcoming Legislative Visits

In August, AgeGuide will coordinate legislative visits in DuPage and McHenry Counties. This time around, legislators and staffers will have the opportunity to participate in evidence-based classes for older adults and connect with their constituents. We look forward to working with Seniors Services Associates, Inc., White Crane Wellness Center, and Universal Metro Asian Services in creating an opportunity for legislators to connect with older adults!

Advocacy Issues 

In addition to getting legislators out into the community for site visits, there is still much advocacy work to do!

Federal Older Americans Act

At the Federal level, we are still advocating to support aging services as legislators determine how to allocate the spending cuts required by the recently passed Federal budget. Contact your legislators today by clicking here.

Illinois Utilities

Four gas utilities and the state’s two largest electric utilities are currently requesting authority from the Illinois Commerce Commission to increase rates. Together, these companies serve 4.1 million gas customers and 5.3 million electric customers in Illinois. With this proposed rate hike, older adults in Illinois may find it difficult to afford heat for their homes. Statewide, advocates are urging electric utility companies to reduce their prices.

On Oct. 30th, the Chicago City Council will consider passing a resolution out of Rules Committee that will allow for a subject matter hearing to bring transparency and accountability on this issue throughout the state.

AARP Illinois created a petition to demand change. The Petition will also urge state legislators to end the unfair burden on Peoples Gas customers. Raise your voice and demand that politicians stand up to Peoples Gas. Please take one minute to sign this petition to let your voice be heard on this issue!


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