Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Lombard, IL – AgeGuide, the Area Agency on Aging, is pleased to welcome the Barrington Area Council on Aging (Bacoa) to its network of funded partners. As of Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Barrington Area Council on Aging will assume responsibility for the Older Americans Act (OAA) Family Caregiver Program in Lake County. For nearly 40 years, Bacoa has been a comprehensive resource on aging, helping thousands of older adults, families, and caregivers thrive through supportive services and education. Bacoa builds a welcoming and accessible community through engaging programs and one-on-one support so that everyone has the resources they need to age well.

The OAA Family Caregiver Program offers valuable resources for those who are giving unpaid care to adults age 60+ or someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. The program includes Caregiver Resource Center programs offer information and assistance and a personalized care plan that may include respite and supportive services and legal assistance. Caregiver Counseling Center programs offer training, education, and support groups. These caregiver programs are available in all eight counties that AgeGuide serves.

“AgeGuide is thrilled to partner with the Barrington Area Council on Aging in this new capacity.” said Marla Fronczak, Chief Executive Officer of AgeGuide. “Family caregivers and older adults in Lake County will continue to find the support and resources they need through this long-time trusted community provider, Bacoa. We are confident this will be a seamless transition and wonderful partnership between our organizations.”

“Caregivers often come to Bacoa feeling overwhelmed” said Terri Channer, Executive Director of Bacoa. “It’s hard for anyone to manage all the emotional, financial, and logistical responsibilities of caregiving by themselves. At Bacoa, we take the time to work with caregivers, so we can match the appropriate services to meet their needs.”

For more information about the Family Caregiver Program and other programs provided in Lake County, visit www.AgeGuide.org.


AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois, an Area Agency on Aging, is a nonprofit organization responsible for developing and coordinating a network of services for older persons throughout an eight-county area in northeastern Illinois. AgeGuide informs and advises public and private agencies and the public of the needs of older people living in its region and acts as an advocate on their behalf. The Agency serves DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties. Other information about AgeGuide, topics of interest to older adults, and additional resources are available at the Agency’s website: www.ageguide.org

Bacoa is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves as a comprehensive resource for navigating aging by supporting older adults, caregivers, and families through a wide range of services and education. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30a to 4:30p. Bacoa can be reached by phone at (847) 381-5030 or email at [email protected]. You can support Bacoa or learn more about Bacoa’s older adults and caregiver resources, services, and programs at www.bacoa.org.



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