Monday, March 18, 2024

Lombard, IL – AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois will hold public hearings on Thursday, April 4 and Friday, April 5, 2024, on its proposed Area Plan for FY25-27 for older adults in its eight-county service area. The public hearings will be held both in person and virtually. Attendees can register at

The purpose of the public hearings is to provide an open forum for the public to comment on the Public Information Document which contains the proposed service design, delivery, and the associated fund distributions, and other activities in which AgeGuide anticipates involvement. Public Hearings offer the opportunity to review the document and provide comments and questions on proposed services, expenditures and other activities as outlined in the FY25-27 Area Plan. They also provide information about AgeGuide’s plans to address priorities and meet the needs of older adults, their families, and caregivers in DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will counties.

The proposed allocation amounts posted in the Public Information Document are subject to change due to increases or decreases in federal or state appropriations or updated demographic information. The proposed allocations are also subject to be changed by AgeGuide’s Board of Directors based on public hearing testimony, at the request of a county’s service providers, or upon the recommendations of AgeGuide’s Advisory Council or the Board’s Planning Committee.

An electronic copy of the Public Information Document is available on AgeGuide’s website at and upon request to AgeGuide, 1910 S. Highland Ave, Suite 100, Lombard, IL 60148; phone (630) 293-5990 or (800) 528-2000. Those unable to attend the public hearing may send written comments to AgeGuide at the above address. Written testimony must be received no later than Thursday, April 11, to be considered.


AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois, an Area Agency on Aging, is a nonprofit organization responsible for developing and coordinating a network of services for older persons throughout an eight-county area in northeastern Illinois. AgeGuide informs and advises public and private agencies and the general public of the needs of older people living in its region, and acts as an advocate on their behalf. The Agency serves DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties. Other information about AgeGuide, other topics of interest to older adults, and links to additional resources are available at the Agency’s website:




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