Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Lombard, IL – Elected officials, aging network providers, local partners and concerned citizens are invited to a community discussion about current issues facing Illinois older adults, caregivers, and families. The Advocacy Breakfast Collaboratives, hosted by AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois, and sponsored by AARP Illinois, give participants an open forum to speak with elected officials about their concerns and advocate for continued funding for important older adult services provided under the Older Americans Act. Participants can choose between two in-person events and one virtual event. Breakfast will be served at the in-person events.

The first in-person event will be held on Tuesday, June 18 from 10 AM – 12 PM at The Ovation Center (349 Weber Road, Romeoville), hosted in partnership with Will County Senior Services.

The second in-person event will be held on Thursday, June 20 from 10 AM – 12 PM at The Schreiber Center (101 N. Cedar Lake Road, Round Lake), hosted in partnership with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

The virtual event will be held online on Friday, June 21 from 10 – 11:30 AM.

This year’s theme for these events is The Great Reconnection. We will discuss the transformative power of reconnecting with what matters most in our lives: building relationships, finding support, and nurturing our collective well-being.

Community service providers will share vital home and community-based services that impact social connection and quality of life for all of us on our aging journey.

Federal and State Legislators from AgeGuide’s 8-county region are invited to attend the Collaboratives to share how they are supporting older adults and caregivers and to take questions from constituents.

Participants can register for their preferred event at or contact AgeGuide at 630-293-5990 for assistance in registering for the event of their choosing.


AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois, an Area Agency on Aging, is a nonprofit organization responsible for developing and coordinating a network of services for older persons throughout an eight-county area in northeastern Illinois. AgeGuide informs and advises public and private agencies and the general public of the needs of older people living in its region, and acts as an advocate on their behalf. The Agency serves DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties. Other information about AgeGuide, other topics of interest to older adults, and links to additional resources are available at the Agency’s website:


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