Monday, February 13, 2023

Black History Month is an annual recognition of the history, achievements, and influence of the Black community. But at this point in history, as systemic racism persists and black Americans continue to experience the effects of racism and prejudice, it’s important for organizations to go beyond simply posting a Martin Luther King Jr. quote in honor of the month. Instead, this month is the perfect opportunity to educate your audience, support Black creators or businesses, and advocate for change.

Black History Month recognizes the history, culture, and contributions of Black Americans; it is a celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history.

The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance,” explores how “African Americans have resisted historic and ongoing oppression, in all forms…” since the nation’s earliest days. By resisting, Black people have achieved triumphs, successes, and progress throughout history, from the end of chattel slavery and the dismantling of Jim and Jane Crow segregation in the South, to increased political representation at all levels of government, desegregation of educational institutions, the passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History in DC, and increased and diverse representation of Black experiences in media.

At AgeGuide, we salute the everyday heroes among us; the Black older adults who influence our communities every day through their work, volunteerism, and dedication.

This month, we challenge you to take a deep dive into Black History Month and learn something new. Read a book, attend a virtual event, have a conversation that will educate you and challenge your thinking in a new way.

Books Reccomended by AgeGuide Staff for Black History Month 

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