Monday, September 18, 2023

Two Reasons to Celebrate

September’s dual celebrations focus on health and connections as we celebrate both Healthy Aging Month and Senior Center Month. With a focus on mind and body wellness, these observances will set us up for a healthy fall season.

Healthy Aging Month

This month is an annual celebration of health designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older. The numbers of people over 50 is growing every year. The attention used to be just on the Baby Boomers. Now, Generation X-ers are elbowing their way in and have many of the same goals as the previous generation – to stay active and vibrant as long as possible. There are over 76 million Baby Boomers today over 50 and the first of the 82.1 million Gen X-ers reached that milestone in 2015. It is never too late to get started on better health practices!

National Senior Center Month

September is a time to shine a light on senior centers, showing the entire nation how vital they are to the health and well-being of a community. These centers provide countless hours of support and encouragement to older adults and have become integral to health care delivery in our communities.

Our funded partners’ senior centers offer a vibrant, action-packed combination of fitness classes, social activities, volunteer opportunities, community resources, and community dining. In our 8-county region, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and try out new ways to maintain a healthy, happy, and fulfilling lifestyle.

Learn More

To find out more about the programs and services available in your area or online, please refer to the AgeGuide Services & Supports tab on the website.


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