Fraud Assistance

The Senior Medicare Patrol program is a valuable initiative aimed at safeguarding the well-being and financial interests of older adults. SMP recruits and trains volunteers to educate and empower older adults to detect, report, and prevent healthcare fraud and abuse within the Medicare system. By promoting awareness and providing resources to beneficiaries, SMP not only helps older adults protect their own health and financial security but also contributes to the integrity and sustainability of the Medicare program as a whole. This program shows the commitment to supporting Medicare beneficiaries in making informed choices while combatting fraudulent activities that could jeopardize their healthcare coverage and retirement savings. 

The Illinois SMP program is a statewide program headquartered at AgeOptions, the Area Agency on Aging for Suburban Cook County. AgeGuide is one of the SMP partner agencies that helps complete outreach and education in Northeastern Illinois. 

Medicare Billing Errors

Medical billing errors are one of the most common problems Medicare beneficiaries face. A common example is receiving a bill for a test or procedure that you do not remember getting or being billed incorrectly. It’s important that you address the issue as quickly as possible. One thing to keep in mind is that not all billing errors turn out to be Medicare fraud. Most billing errors can be easily fixed by a billing department. 

Here’s what you can do when you suspect a billing issue:

  • Review your Medicare Summary Notices to confirm the billing error
  • Contact the doctor or office that is billing you to fix the issue
  • Contact the Medicare claims contractor National Government Services at (800) 633-4227
  • If you face issues resolving a billing error, contact SMP at (800) 699-9043

Fraud Assistance Partner

(800) 699-9043


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