• General Information

    This page is to provide detailed policies and procedures which are applicable to funds administered by AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois, including those provided under the Older Americans Act, State appropriations, and other related programs. These policies and procedures are intended to:

    Describe the procedures that AgeGuide will follow in monitoring grant activities and identify the fiscal compliance responsibility of grantees.

    Prescribe fiscal and program policies and procedures that will safeguard public funds being used in the Older Americans Act and related grants administered by AgeGuide.

  • Monitoring and Special Reviews

    AgeGuide has the responsibility to ensure that all agencies receiving Older Americans Act or other Agency-administered funds operate effectively and in compliance with the terms and conditions of their award documents. As a result, AgeGuide has a system for monitoring and conducting special reviews of funded agencies.

    Monitoring is the ongoing process by which AgeGuide systematically gathers provider program and fiscal data. Monitoring can be conducted through the use of on-site visits and/or desk reviews. Activities include (but are not limited to) the following:

    1. Review of provider reports submitted to AgeGuide, audit reports, financial statements, cost allocation plans, and other written documentation, as appropriate.
    2. Review of Illinois Department on Aging performance monitoring and evaluations reports, including discussion and follow-up with IDOA staff regarding provider performance.
    3. Telephone/Email/Online discussion between AgeGuide’s staff and providers.
    4. Periodic joint meetings with providers.
    5. Periodic on-site monitoring.

    Given the ongoing nature of monitoring, providers will not be notified of the results of every monitoring activity. However, when AgeGuide’s monitoring indicates significant issues, the provider will receive written notice within a reasonable time period of the monitoring results and any actions needed to achieve compliance.

    Special Reviews are on-site visits in response to specific AgeGuide concerns or issues. The results of the Special Review will be formalized in a report and will be issued to the provider within a reasonable time period. The report will detail the findings and actions necessary to resolve the concerns.

  • FY24 Funded Partners

    American Association of Retired Asians (AARA)

    Association for Individual Development (AID)

    Barrington Area Council on Aging (BACOA)

    Catholic Charities, of the Archdiocese of Chicago

    Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet

    City of Aurora

    Council on Jewish Elderly – CJE SeniorLife

    Coalition of Limited English-Speaking Elderly (CLESE)

    Community Nutrition Network and Senior Services Association

    County of Will

    DuPage County Department of Community Services

    DuPage Senior Citizens Council

    Ela Township

    ElderCARE of Lake County

    Grundy County Health Department

    Harvard Community Senior Center

    Independence Health & Therapy

    Kane Senior Council

    Kendall County Health Department

    Legal Aid Chicago

    Metropolitan Asian Family Services

    Metropolitan Family Services

    Morris Area Public Library

    Oswegoland Senior and Community Center

    Patty Turner Senior Center

    Prairie State Legal Services

    Riverwalk Adult Day Services

    Senior Services Associates, Inc.

    Senior Services of Will County

    SHOW BUS Public Transportation

    United Chinese Americans

    Village of Glendale Heights

    Waukegan Township, Patricia A. Jones Center

    White Crane Wellness Center

    Xilin Association

    Morris Police Department

    Kendall County Sheriff’s Office

    City of Wheaton

    Southeast Kane County TRIAD

    Kendall County TRIAD

    Lockport Township Government

    Aurora African American Health Coalition

    Kankakee County State’s Attorney’s Office

    Hicks-Wright Organization


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