Wednesday, September 07, 2022

September’s dual celebrations focus on health and connections as we commemorate both Healthy Aging Month and Senior Center Month. With a focus on mind and body wellness, these observances will set us up for a healthy autumn season.  

Healthy Aging Month, which focuses on the positive aspects of the aging journey, promotes taking charge of our well-being both physically and mentally. Healthy Aging month is specifically dedicated to achieving a more positive outlook on the process of growing older as it becomes increasingly clear that social connection is a major factor in healthy aging.  

Senior centers offer a variety of experiences to support those critical social linkages.  This year, National Senior Center Month celebrates the power of social and emotional wellness with the theme, “Strengthening Community Connections.” By strengthening social interaction and empowering older adults to holistically age well, senior centers make mind, body, spirit, and community connections. 

Our funded partners’ senior centers offer a vibrant, action-packed combination of fitness classes, social activities, volunteer opportunities, community resources, and community dining. In our 8-county region, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and try out new ways to maintain a healthy, happy, and fulfilling lifestyle.  

To find out more about the programs and services available in your area or online, please see the list of links below.  

Senior Centers 

Counseling Services 

Technology Programs 

Employment Assistance 

Family Caregiver Program 

Friendly Visiting & Phone Calls 

Health Promotion & Education Classes 

Information & Assistance 

Community Dinning Programs 

Transportation Assistance 

Veterans Resources  

Volunteer Opportunities 

Other Initiatives by AgeGuide 


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