• Legislative Update – January 2021

    January 20, 2021

    “Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” ― Martin Luther…

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  • A Very Grinchy* Legislative Update

    December 15, 2020

    *The term ‘Grinchy’ shall apply when Christmas spirit is in short supply. ―  Mayor May Who, Movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas! While we would love to bring you holiday cheer, there’s…

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  • Legislative Update – 2020 General Election

    November 16, 2020

    In a year full of anomalies and surprises, the 2020 November election was no exception. This year, an unprecedented number of mail-in ballots slowed the vote tally process leaving several…

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  • AgeGuide Listening Sessions

    October 26, 2020

    We need feedback from older adults about aging services provided in their community. Is there a service that needs improvement? Do you have adequate access to services? Is there a…

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  • Legislative Update – Election Edition

    October 15, 2020

    Federal Budget Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR), avoiding a government shutdown on September 30th. This stop-gap measure keeps agencies running at 2020 funding levels through the upcoming presidential election. The…

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  • Cast Your Ballot Safely This November

    October 12, 2020

    If voting during a pandemic is not your idea of a good time, take heart! Illinois has got you covered with plenty of safe options to help you exercise your…

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  • Celebrating Residents’ Rights Month

    October 1, 2020

    Residents' Rights Month is celebrated in October to honor those living in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes, assisted living, board and care and retirement communities. It provides an opportunity…

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