AAA Senior Driving
Visit AAA Senior Driving -
(888) 687-2277
Visit aarp.org -
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Visit eatright.org -
ALS Association
Visit alsa.org -
Alzheimer's Association
(800) 272-3900
Visit alz.org -
American Academy of Home Care Medicine
Older adults and their caregivers can find home-based primary care in their area using the American Academy of Home Care Medicine’s new free online database.
Visit aahcm.org Database -
American Brain Tumor Association
(800) 886-2282
Visit abta.org -
American Cancer Society
(800) 227-2345
Visit cancer.org -
American Diabetes Association
(800) 342-2383
Visit diabetes.org -
American Foundation of the Blind
Visit visionaware.org -
American Heart Association
(800) 242-8721
Visit heart.org -
American Lung Association
(800) 586-4872
Visit lung.org -
American Parkinson Disease Association
(800) 223-2732
Visit apdaparkinson.org -
American Society on Aging
(800) 537-9728
Visit asaging.org -
Arthritis Foundation
(844) 571-4357
Visit arthritis.org -
Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals
Visit anfponline.org -
This resource is a comprehensive, secure and free online tool that connects older adults with benefits they may qualify for, such as helping to pay for utility bills, prescriptions, food, and many more.
Visit benefitscheckup.org -
Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center
(847) 688-1900 or (800) 393-0865
Visit lovell.fhcc.va.gov -
Caregiver Stress Busting
Visit caregiverstressbusters.org -
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Preventing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Spread in Communities
Visit cdc.gov -
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation (National Paralysis Resource Center)
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation provides a National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) that offers a wide range of FREE programs, resources, and support systems for those affected by paralysis.
Visit christopherreeve.org -
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Useful tools for caregivers on how to be good financial fiduciaries for loved ones. The CFPB is a government agency designed to give unbiased advice and information on financial matters.
Visit consumerfinance.gov -
COPD Foundation
(866) 316-2673
Visit copdfoundation.org -
Dementia Friendly America
(202) 872-0888
Visit dfamerica.org -
Dementia Friendly Illinois
Visit ilbrainhealth.org -
Devices 4 the Disabled
Visit devices4thedisabled.org -
DHS Office Locator
View the Locator -
Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital
(708) 202-8387
Visit hines.va.gov -
Eldercare Locater
This is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families, anywhere in the U.S.
(800) 677-1116
Visit eldercare.acl.gov -
Epilepsy Foundation
(800) 332-1000
Visit epilepsy.com -
Equality Illinois
Visit equalityillinois.us -
Federal Trade Commission
Visit ftc.gov -
Gay & Lesbian Medical Provider
Health professionals advancing LGBTQ equality
Visit glma.org -
This website offers free listing services for apartment seekers, and provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find available housing to best fit their needs. Property providers can post listings of apartments and houses for rent at any time.
Visit ilhousingsearch.org -
Illinois Department on Aging
(800) 252-8966
Visit illinois.gov -
Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS)
DHS can help you and your family meet your basic needs. They offer a range of services to help you become healthy and self-sufficient.
(800) 843-6154 (English or Español)
Visit dhs.state.il.us -
Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs
(800) 437-9824 (Toll-Free in Illinois) or (217) 782-6641 (Outside Illinois)
Visit illinois.gov/veterans -
Illinois Legal Aid
(312) 977-0947
Visit illinoislegalaid.org -
Illinois Secretary of State
(800) 252-8980 (Toll Free in Illinois) or (217) 785-3000 (Outside Illinois)
Visit cyberdriveillinois.com -
LGBT Aging Center
Visit lgbtagingcenter.org -
Meals on Wheels America
Visit mealsonwheelsamerica.org -
(800) 633-4227 or (877) 486-2048
Visit medicare.gov -
Medicare Rights Center
(800) 333-4114
Visit medicarerights.org -
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
View nadtc.org -
National Breast Cancer Foundation
Visit nationalbreastcancer.org -
National Federation of the Blind
Visit nfb.org -
National Parkinson Foundation
(800) 473-4636
Visit parkinson.org -
Roadwise RX (AAA)
Visit Roadwise RX -
Advocacy and services for LGBT older adults
SAGE Hotline: (877) 360-LGBT
Visit sageusa.org -
Senior Health Insurance Program
(800) 252-8966
Visit illinois.gov/aging
aging.ship@illinois.gov -
Skin Cancer Foundation
(212) 725-5176
Visit skincancer.org -
Social Security Administration
(800) 772-1213 or (800) 325-0778
Visit ssa.org -
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis
Dial 988, the universal three-digit dialing code for suicide prevention and mental health crisis. You can also call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). After dialing 988, a caller in need of the Veterans Crisis Line can then press “1” to be routed to that resource, while a caller in need of assistance in Spanish can press “2.” People who are deaf or hard of hearing can access TTY by dialing 711 then 1-800-273-8255 or using their preferred relay service.
Visit 988lifeline.org -
Tailored Care Caregiver Assessment
Are you a caregiver to a loved one? Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Take this quick and easy caregiver self-assessment questionnaire.
Veterans Choice Program
(866) 606-8198
Visit va.gov/communitycare -
Veterans Geriatrics and Extended Care
Visit va.gov/geriatrics
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