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  • ILHousingSearch.org

    This website offers free listing services for apartment seekers, and provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find available housing to best fit their needs. Property providers can post listings of apartments and houses for rent at any time.

    Visit ilhousingsearch.org
  • Illinois Department on Aging

    (800) 252-8966

    Visit illinois.gov
  • Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS)

    DHS can help you and your family meet your basic needs. They offer a range of services to help you become healthy and self-sufficient.

    (800) 843-6154 (English or Español)

    Visit dhs.state.il.us
  • Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs

    (800) 437-9824 (Toll-Free in Illinois) or (217) 782-6641 (Outside Illinois)

    Visit illinois.gov/veterans
  • Illinois Legal Aid

    (312) 977-0947

    Visit illinoislegalaid.org
  • Illinois Secretary of State

    (800) 252-8980 (Toll Free in Illinois) or (217) 785-3000 (Outside Illinois)

    Visit cyberdriveillinois.com


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